How Do You See - Beano Workshops

Commissioned by Somerset House under the Future Producer Programme, I was given the oppurtunity to co-produce and facilitate two sets of creative workshops for Westminster Kingsway students, and children, using the ongoing Beano Exhibition as the content theme. Working with Robert Sae-Heng, a talented illustrator, we spent weeks planning the workshops, from ideation to budget considerations, and creating illustrative content material for the sessions.

The workshops for students were set over a 4 week duration, in which they were able to learn how to creatively ideate and execute a personal project, using a range of chosen materials. Skill development was key and the workshops concluded with a group feedback session and display of their chosen final works.

The childrens workshops were planned around a tour of the Beano Exhibition, with us as their guides. Using a worksheet that enabled them to answer questions on the artworks of their choice, we encouraged the children to engage in their surroundings and feel inspired by the space. Post exhibition, we facilitated a workshop around the theme of Beano comics, asking the children to create a comic book based on a Beano inspired character of their ideation. With these workshops we worked in partnership with Gingerbread Trust, a charity that seeks to support single parent families.


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